Ollie Cunningham

Director  |  Cinematographer  |  Photographer

Ollie Cunningham

Director  |  Cinematographer  |  Photographer

Ollie Cunningham

Director  |  Cinematographer  |  Photographer

Ollie Visuals


Ollie Cunningham is a nighttime street photographer and a junior at the Los Angeles Center for Enriched Studies (LACES). He discovered his love for nighttime street photography while riding around the city on his bike.

“Every week I would ride my bike through the night since it was the only way to come back from school after practice. I thought the night was scary because of the darkness that engulfed the world, but no matter where I went, there were always lights guiding my way. Throughout my rides back I discovered the beauty of the night and how the lights served as a guide through my adventures of the unknown. There’s so much emotion in the dark that we don’t notice, and I want to show this unforeseen to the world.”

—Progressive Street Magazine, Art Gallery, Publishing House

Ollie Cunningham is a Director, Cinematographer, and Photographer.

My Work

Street Photography


Studio Art


Contact ME

Whether you’re looking to collaborate on a project, inquire about availability, or discuss creative opportunities, we are here to assist you. Please use the contact information below to reach out to us directly.

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